AssetDMS allows intuitive data collection through a simple touchscreen. It was designed with the asset owner (municipality/contractor) and the user (operator) in mind. This unique software was created to make the CCTV pipeline inspection process faster, easier and more productive.
DMS Data Collection System
Utilizing a touchscreen interface like today’s smartphones and other modern electronics makes the use of AssetDMS more second nature than work.
Compatible with a wide range of manufacturer’s CCTV systems
Import/Export from ANY certified PACP/LACP/MACP database
Compatible with Microsoft Windows® 10 Pro operating systems
Intuitive design and self-guiding prompts
No need to remember all PACP codes and rules
PACP reference photos for codes
Collection of data is streamlined, simplified and accurate with the use of built-in user prompts so critical information is always captured.
Complete on-screen/context-sensitive help file
Drop-down menus and intuitive prompts provide quick access to common PACP Standard reference points, such as
Pipe materials
Survey purpose
Pipe usage, etc.
Extensive reporting and easy to understand analysis tools
Data exported from a PACP database or ArcGIS® software can pre-populate work orders and inspection header information, based on the historical data